Friday 13 February 2015

Kanye West for Adidas orginals

New york fashion week opened with a bang yesterday with the first collection from  Kanye West and his collaboration with Addidas originals. For a collection which apparently took 18 months to design (doubtful), and was apparently inspired by the London riots (they were back in 2011), and which started wilfully late,  it was evident that this man is more arrogant and self obsessed than we ever gave him credit.

Not one to jump on the Kanye bandwagon, (as I actually bought his last album and do like his music,... who doesn't like Gold digger). But for a man who has been in and out of the press recently for his assholery at the Grammys, undermining the strongest musical performances of the night (Beck), that he would deny another artist there well deserved moment in the spotlight, I had higher hopes for this collection. The collection opened to his fierce voice over with "I'm here to crack the pavement,"  and "I want to create something better for you."  with 50 models in different shapes, sizes and genders walking out like an art installation. Even poor Kylie Jenner got in on the act, but managed to blag herself one of the better outfits; a black shearling jacket with the trade mark tan tights. Surprisingly model of the hour Kendal Jenner decided to sit this one out as that could have been career suicide. The only pieces worth mentioning are the distressed ripped oversizes sweaters, and the sheepskin coats and aviators. The MA1 bombers kept it utilitarian, but that's nothing new which  we ha vent already seen from the past seasons. And the boots will of course be the sell out piece from the collection. Apparently Justin Beiber was backstage already trying to snare himself a pair or two.The full body spanx's were my favourite pieces, (I think I actually have one of these already), making the models look like they're in full plaster casts, not to mention how un flattering these spanx suits over knickers can be... and should I mention the dreaded CAMEL and TOE? Or the American tan tights over the head?  Even Mrs Kardashian- West came in head to (Camel) Toe to support in one of his lovely creations; An over sized cameo jacket with tan leggings and grey knitted crop top. Without the jacket I would have thought Kim had just walked off the set of Flashdance as she even has the leg warmers to match!

Kanye, Yeezy, Yezus whatever your name is...can you please leave fashion to the designers, and stick to your artistry at creating pop hits. 
Rant over. 

Kim Kardashian-West

Flash Dance the Movie 

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